CRT Documentation: Reference

Crt Functions

[Some procedures and functions have changed from their original DOS versions.]

The following procedures and functions are declared in the Delphi Crt unit.

Procedure / Function Description
AssignCrt Associates a text file with the Crt window.
ClrEol Clears all the characters from the cursor position to the end of the line.
ClrScr Clears the screen and returns the cursor to the upper left corner.
Delay Delays a specifed number of milliseconds.
DelLine Deletes the line containing the cursor.
GotoXy Moves the cursor to the given coordinates within the virtual screen.
HighVideo Selects high-intensity characters.
InsLine Inserts an empty line at the cursor position.
KeyPressed Determines if a key has been pressed on the keyboard.
LowVideo Selects low-intensity characters.
NormVideo Selects the original text attribute read from the cursor location at startup.
NoSound Turns off the computer's internal speaker.
ReadKey Reads a character from the keyboard.
Sound Starts the internal speaker.
TextBackground Selects the background color.
TextColor Selects the foreground character color.
TextMode Selects a specific text mode.
WhereX Returns the X coordinate of the current cursor location.
WhereY Returns the Y coordinate of the current cursor location.
Window Defines a text window on the screen.

New Functions

These functions were included to enhance the Delphi Crt unit. Turbo Pascal and Borland Pascal do not support these functions in their Crt unit.

Procedure / Function Description
FreeCrtState Disposes of memory allocated by a call to SaveCrtState.
GetControlKeyState Returns the status of the control keys.
IsAltPressed Returns the status of the Alt key.
IsCtrlPressed Returns the status of the Ctrl key.
IsShiftPressed Returns the status of the Shift key.
RestoreCrtState Restores the state of the console to a previously saved state.
SaveCrtState Saves the current state of the console so it may be restored later.
ScreenX Returns the true X coordinate of the current cursor location.
ScreenY Returns the true Y coordinate of the current cursor location.
ScreenHeight Returns the height of the screen.
ScreenWidth Returns the width of the screen.
SetScreenSize Sets the width and height of the screen.
SetCursorType Changes the appearance of the screen cursor.