CRT Documentation: Reference

WindMin and WindMax

[These variables have changed from their original DOS versions.]

Stores the screen coordinates of the current window.

WindMin: longword;
WindMax: longword;


These variables are set by calls to the Window procedure. WindMin defines the upper left corner. WindMax defines the lower right corner. The X coordinate is stored in the low word, and the Y coordinate is stored in the high word.

To easily retrieve the X and Y coordinates from these variables, a new type was introduced, TWindCoord. For example, TWindCoord(WindMin).X produces the X coordinate of the left edge, and TWindCoord(WindMax).Y produces the Y coordinate of the bottom edge. You may no longer use Lo and Hi to retrieve the X and Y components as you could from Turbo Pascal and Borland Pascal. The screen's upper left corner corresponds to (X,Y) = (0,0).

For coordinates passed to Window and GotoXY, the upper left corner is at (1,1).

The Delphi version of these variables are defined as longwords rather than words. You may no longer use Lo and Hi to retrieve the X and Y components.

See Also

Crt Overview, Window, TWindCoord